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Business Online Banking FAQs

Our Business Online Banking website and mobile app will make managing your business’ finances easier than ever. Check out our frequently asked questions to help make this transition as smooth as possible. 

Why are there three different Business Online Banking packages?

Different sized businesses have different needs. We created three packages, built to support your business’ unique requirements. Not sure what size package you need? We can help! Please contact us at to find the right package for you.

How do I enroll in Business Online Banking?

Enrollment is quick and easy. Click here to enroll and fill out the enrollment form. Make sure all information matches what is on record with VACU. After completing the enrollment form, follow the remaining steps to complete enrollment.

What information do I need to enroll in the new Business Online Banking?

For enrollment, you will need the following details about the primary member of the enrolling business:

  • Your Business Tax ID (12-3456789)
  • Your Business Name (must match business name on record)
  • Your Member Number (found on your statements)
  • Your Last Name
  • Your Social Security Number (123-45-6789)
  • Your Date of Birth
  • Your Mobile Phone Number
  • Your Email (must match email on record)
  • Your Zip Code

Is there a new mobile app?

Yes, there is a new, fully functional VACU Business app, so you can easily access your finances between both the app and the web. Download the VACU Business app today on the Apple App Store℠? and Google Play Store™?.

Apple App StoreGoogle Play

Is the user ID and password for the website the same as the mobile app?

Yes, you will use your same login credentials for both the website and VACU Business app.

What if I have personal and business accounts?

For the time being, you will continue to access your personal accounts through the current online banking and mobile app, and your business accounts through the new Business Online Banking site and VACU Business app. 

What if I want features that are not available in the Basic package?

Please contact Treasury Services at or call 800-285-5051, opt 5 to discuss options.

What if I have multiple businesses?

If you have multiple businesses, we can help you consolidate them into one Business Online Banking profile. Please contact us at if you are interested in consolidating.

Can I make member-to-member transfers?

Yes, you will be able to make member-to-member transfers from business to business or business to personal accounts if enrolled in our Basic package. However, for the time being, it will not be possible to transfer from personal to business accounts.

Am I able to make external transfers?

External transfers are no longer available, but you can utilize Business Bill Pay to send payments to other businesses, or enroll in ACH Services, which is available with the Plus or Package. Contact to discuss options.

Can I pay people with Business Bill Pay?

No, Business Bill Pay is designed only to pay other businesses.

When will my deposit be credited to my account?

If the deposit is accepted, funds are usually posted to your account the next business day. Please note that deposit amounts may be adjusted up to 2 business days after a deposit is made. Processing occurs twice daily, after 11 am and after 3 pm on business days.

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