Loan Payments Fast, safe, and convenient. Make online payments for your loans in the comfort of your own home. Section Navigation Loans Lines of Credit Credit Cards Mortgages Online Banking Make your loan payment by transferring funds from your VACU account in online or mobile banking. You can pay towards your bill or allocate it directly towards the loan’s principal balance. Enroll in online banking Log in to online banking How Login from a browser or our mobile app. Apple or Droid? Both work with our mobile app. Payment Timing Make a one-time payment? or schedule a recurring automatic transfer. Convenience Pay Make a loan payment with funds from another financial institution using your checking account, or a Visa®, Discover® or Mastercard® debit card. Pay today Learn more Important Note A $4.95 convenience fee for each loan payment will be automatically added when using this method. Payment Timing Recurring loan payments cannot be made through this service. Direct Deposit & Payroll Deduction Allocate a portion of your direct deposit or use payroll deduction to pay for your loan automatically. Direct Deposit Form Payroll Deduction Authorization View all forms Important Note Print and complete the forms and then return it to your employer. Check to see if your employer or payer requires any additional forms. Payment Timing Set up to transfer on the same date each month. Direct Payment (ACH Debits) Bank with another institution? VACU can debit your account at another financial institution to automatically pay your loan amount each month. Direct Payments Authorization (ACH) for VACU Installment Loans Important Information Return signed form to the following address: P.O. Box 90010 Richmond VA, 23224 Attn: EFT Services or send via fax to 804-267-5414. Payment timing Automatically pay your loan amount each month. Quikline Phone Banking Prefer picking up the phone? Bank anytime with QuikLine, our free 24-hour phone banking service. Download QuikLine Menu At-A-Glance Learn more about QuikLine How Call 804-560-5600 and follow the instructions—we’ll prompt you at each step of the way. Payment timing Transfer funds between various accounts and make one-time loan payments. Need to pay for a non-VACU loan? Make payments to another institution, company or individual from your VACU checking account with Bill Pay. Log in to online banking Still need help? Email Us Call 804-323-6800 Find a branch
Need to pay for a non-VACU loan? Make payments to another institution, company or individual from your VACU checking account with Bill Pay. Log in to online banking