Car Loans Ready, set, let's drive. Apply now rgba(0,57,112,0.9) rgba(255,255,255,1) Competitive rates to purchase or refinance your new or used car Car or Light Truck Loan Terms starting at 48months APR as low as? 4.99% Current rates Car or Light Truck Loan Applies to model years 2015-2025 Product Term APR* (as low as) Car or Light Truck Loan up to 48 months 4.99% Car or Light Truck Loan up to 66 months 5.19% Car or Light Truck Loan up to 72 months 5.59% Car or Light Truck Loan up to 78 months 5.84% Car or Light Truck Loan up to 84 months 6.59% Footnotes * Vehicle value is based on MSRP or by a source approved by us. Your APR is based on our internal credit criteria. Listed APRs assume excellent credit, a 0.500% discount for an automated payment method approved by us, a 1.00% discount for a loan-to-value (LTV) that is 115% or less, a 0.50% discount for a loan-to-value (LTV) that is between 115.01%-125%, a 1.5% discount for a loan amount of $35,000 or more, a 1.00% discount for a loan amount between $20,000-34,999.99, and a 0.25% for a loan amount between $10,000 - $19,999.99. Regardless of available Discounts, 4.99% is the minimum APR offered. Minimum and maximum loan amounts apply. Ask us about other APR and longer term options. Please contact us for specific terms, rates, available discounts, and information about loans originated at dealerships that participate in our Preferred Dealer Network. Payment example based on a $35,000.00 loan: $805.87 at a 4.99% APR with 48 month term; $610.72 at a 5.19% APR with 66 month term; $573.30 at a 5.59% APR with 72 month term; $540.34 at a 5.84% APR with 78 month term; and $521.26 at an 6.59% APR with 84 month term. Your APR may differ based on your loan amount, loan-to-value (LTV), repayment method, and other factors. Read More Why car loans at VACU? Competitive Rates Get the same competitive rates on new or used cars. Easy to Apply Fast, easy application & approval process. Manage Online Easily manage your loan with online and mobile banking. Virginia CU Insurance Services Get vehicle insurance through our partners. Apply now Receive a special car loan offer? If so, you’re one step closer to saving with us. Accept your special offer today. Please read our Disclosures for Special Offers for important information related to your offer. Accept offer What could your monthly payment be? Apply now Go payment-free for 60 days Enjoy that honeymoon phase with your new car and make no payments for 60 days with first-pay delay. RV, Motorcycle, and Boat Loans We've got a competitive-rate loan for however you adventure, whether it's with six wheels, two wheels, or zero. Learn more Auto Loan Resources See More Resources Car Affordability Calculator Enter your ideal monthly payment to discover how much car you can afford with our Car Affordability Calculator. Vehicle Loans FAQs Frequently asked questions about vehicle loans. Dealership Car Loans As a Virginia Credit Union member, you now have the option to get your credit union vehicle financing approved and funded right at the dealer. Helpful Articles Article How to Buy a Car: 5 Essential Steps Video Watch: The Keys to Buying Your Next Car Article 6 Ways to Lower Car Insurance Costs View more Ready for an upgrade? Your next set of wheels is waiting. We'll help make the auto loan process quick and easy, meaning you can hit the road in no time. Apply now
Car or Light Truck Loan Applies to model years 2015-2025 Product Term APR* (as low as) Car or Light Truck Loan up to 48 months 4.99% Car or Light Truck Loan up to 66 months 5.19% Car or Light Truck Loan up to 72 months 5.59% Car or Light Truck Loan up to 78 months 5.84% Car or Light Truck Loan up to 84 months 6.59% Footnotes * Vehicle value is based on MSRP or by a source approved by us. Your APR is based on our internal credit criteria. Listed APRs assume excellent credit, a 0.500% discount for an automated payment method approved by us, a 1.00% discount for a loan-to-value (LTV) that is 115% or less, a 0.50% discount for a loan-to-value (LTV) that is between 115.01%-125%, a 1.5% discount for a loan amount of $35,000 or more, a 1.00% discount for a loan amount between $20,000-34,999.99, and a 0.25% for a loan amount between $10,000 - $19,999.99. Regardless of available Discounts, 4.99% is the minimum APR offered. Minimum and maximum loan amounts apply. Ask us about other APR and longer term options. Please contact us for specific terms, rates, available discounts, and information about loans originated at dealerships that participate in our Preferred Dealer Network. Payment example based on a $35,000.00 loan: $805.87 at a 4.99% APR with 48 month term; $610.72 at a 5.19% APR with 66 month term; $573.30 at a 5.59% APR with 72 month term; $540.34 at a 5.84% APR with 78 month term; and $521.26 at an 6.59% APR with 84 month term. Your APR may differ based on your loan amount, loan-to-value (LTV), repayment method, and other factors. Read More
Car Affordability Calculator Enter your ideal monthly payment to discover how much car you can afford with our Car Affordability Calculator.
Dealership Car Loans As a Virginia Credit Union member, you now have the option to get your credit union vehicle financing approved and funded right at the dealer.
Helpful Articles Article How to Buy a Car: 5 Essential Steps Video Watch: The Keys to Buying Your Next Car Article 6 Ways to Lower Car Insurance Costs View more