Help / Membership Membership FAQs What is a "Member Share" and why do I need it? When joining VACU you deposit $5 in a Member Share account. This separate $5 deposit represents your one share in the ownership of your credit union and is a requirement for membership. I already belong to another credit union. Can I still join VACU? Yes, you can join Virginia Credit Union too when you're in our field of membership. It's easy to join us. Learn more about membership. Once I join, how long do I have to wait to apply for a loan or credit card? You can apply for credit at the same time you join. There is no waiting period. If I change jobs, retire, move or graduate, can I still use VACU? Yes, you're a member for life as long as you keep your accounts active and in good standing. Just contact us if your situation is changing and we can advise you of the many ways to use your credit union wherever you are.